weird shit. i just called jf to tell him that i got a new dog …(oh yeah , i took the dog.”max”..he is the cutest sweetest golden/setter mix..he’s max 2) So i call him in ny all excited and he’s fine and pleasant (pleasant as he can possibly be..)anyway, he asks if a friend , who is on their way to ny to go ‘work’ for him, can come by and get some of his stuff.right away it’s odd; our relationship started with me going out there to work for him…i know how he operates..and he’s sounding nervous. he tells me one too many times that she is an old friend he has known forever..etc(i didn’t ask..)anyway, so she comes over and she is definetly nervous and emitting all the signs of someone who is sleeping with your ex..funny thing is i don’t care, i thought it was funny , actually…i was fascinated more than anything; to see what she looked like etc. Anyway, i am still sorta tripped out, but she was very nice(despite being very nervous)and cute in that anti-cute way.

Max- the dog-is staying with me for a month – i am enchanted by him , i just wish i wasn’t sick . i really feel weak and crappy. shaky and stuff. hmm. i took tons of echinacea and juice and other shit.

oh-cuteboy from saturday was there this morning and he was totlally playing some other girl-didn’t give me the time of day.NEXT?