canadian tourettes syndrome: its real. here’s an account of how it strikes : ive been living in los angeles for almost a decade and this sort of thing is a regular occurence : say im at a dinnerparty..mingling amongst a group of grownups. we are amid a discussion of music – discussing our alltime bestever cd’s, and someone says…..”oh , nirvana-nevermind” someone else says ” pink floyd -the wall ” and another chirps in with “harvest-NeilYoung”:…and this is when it happens..a common name, innocently comes up..and all of a sudden im charley babbit. no impulse control. must spread information. jeopardy:430…. i cant help compelled ..i really dont even think aboot it…l just do it. “hes’ canadian” everyone looks at me funny and usually grins a little sympathetically…or just tries to ignore the weird blurting girl to their left( me). its bizarre but it happens -kind of alot. like, every time im out in public and i hear “Leonard cohen” or “william shatner” …its like a patriotic chip has been implanted in me and i must spread the seed of info on who we, as canadians , have dibs on. same with if i meet canadians ..and there are a shitload of us here. i still get ridiculously excited. as do they,mostly.(my fellow canucks) Sure, people try to act cool. Like” oh yeah im from there..originally- but i really…i never go back blah blah..’ but, when i feel a coolness from a fellow canuck..all i need do is throw a little canadian on them…perhaps make a tragicallyhip refrence…or start to hum the theme to
‘hockeyNightIn Canada’or mention don cherry.. and almost without fail-they lose all amarican postering and melt. the concept was put into form via ira glass’s This American Life, maybe 5 years ago, a friend of mine , immeadiately thought of me when she heard the show describing the phenom of
Canadians Among us.
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You are a trip…..”Yeah, I am cool, I would never go back there” LOL
😛 We are one, baby, we are one. I have got Norwegian/Mexican….and maybe some more tourettes syndrome too.
Yep *smiles*
Thank you for everything, really.
Version 2.0…that sounds good. A rose like no other. I have like that book since I was a little girl. Cross my heart.
I think I am going to start drawing again, watching Mirror Mask here. Its a trip. Actually my whole experience at Blockbuster was a trip…to be cont’d. It involved 5 movies, telephone calls, 555, and sex? and rain.
Tourettes kicking in. Need to go!