unbelievable weekend. drove up the pch, to montecito-so amazing- with mom and jen .
arrived at the ranch around 3pm. lots of people there, setting up for dinner that night and weddding the next day.
beautiful spot.have to post pictures.
went and got our hotel, in montecito. nice-got ready and went back up to the ranch and had a mexican fiesta style dinner. talked with joey wrights mom and jamie corthalls mom. weird. they are both getting married.
had an early night . then the next day we went to sb -shopping on state street etc. mom and i both got clothes for the wedding.then to the wedding.

the wedding was the most beautiful and touch ing things i have ever experienced…a couple things happened and were said to me that altered my entire thought process.
it was very informal.

the thing that has struck me is this: i went up there as a family obligation and my heart and head were full of thoughts about how perplexed i have been about love and romance and how solitary i feel and not open to anyone or anyhthing-in that frontier.
– on the drive up , jen told me about her experiencesf over the last few years(unprovoked and without her knowing anything about my thoughts in this area or my experiences..)
she told me how she was all good with being single till lately and she started to feel sad and a little lonely…then she proceeded to tell me the coolest love story that is happenning to her RIGHTNOW.
it was so cool . but of course i thought nothing of it-just happy for her and still wondering if or when this would happen in my life…off we go the wedding and i am introduced to a girl named jill , who lives on quadra island and she (once again completely unprovoked) tells me about her amazing love story that she is having -over the last month-
so i start seeing a little synchronic action here , like the universe is giving some beautiful examples…
then at he ceremony-they read a poem that floors me…it feels like it was written to me.
i am so aware of thr fact that i was given direct signs this weekend that things are good and there is true love and it is available to all who seek it.
i dunno, it may seem cheesy , but it felt so poignant after the last 6 months of soul searching and felling sad about things in general.
the poem on my index page.it kills me.