sometimes all iwant is to be told eveything is ok. just ot believe someone else. feel like mom being down here does that a bit.
went and had bday dinner with e and ms and mom etc at the 101. nice.
then home and mom and i are going through all my shit..sorting etc. fels awesome.
hope thimngs keep going as well as they did this eve with ch. nice talk. he makes me laugh. because he is o scared of talking abouot anything at all…he is 7 years old. i just want him to be in my life a lttle more..and vice versa..i dont know how..just come out with us ( my friends) and invite me withhis fiends,…and start speaking about me as his gf to those PEOPLE..the ones on his side .
god it bugs me and hurts my feelings that he doesnt even acknowledge me to those girls etc.
perhaps he will now. i dont know. i just need to let it all go,