
i am so overjoyed to have figured out how to post this to my site that i have no idea what to write
it’s sunday april 22nd. last night marked the beg. of my ‘saturn return'(what??!!)
i ‘ll be 39 days. holy shit that’s unbelievable.
i live alone(finally)
i am working
sort of
more like, i am working on woking
formulating outlets for myself.
i feel confused about my ‘social’ life at present
i am the least social i have ever been
ever ever-isolater, i am..
no that’s not right either.
i just don’t understand what has happened with it all.
or what it was, i guess.
obiviuosly it (my social life..)was not based in much substance..for it to have vanished so quick
the ‘real’ parts of my life are so clear to me.
i am having a spiritual awakening as i write this..
i mean: i am realizing that what i was asking for, from the universe was:who/what is real in my life
and i have got it. i just didn’t expect so many to slip many i ‘took 4 granted’ were going to be there(here)
i believed in too much , didn’t look at signs.hmm.
what i see right now is the beginning of clarity.or clearness.
knowing what i want for once in my life -and acting on it.