watching someone who may not be funny scares me

went to sd’s . met ap there.glad i went. always makes me feel better. now, we have to go see ss do standup.
ugh..not my kind of thing at all.the thought of watching someone who may not be funny scares me.

1 Comment

  1. ·

    Hearing this made me feel embarassed for thnnikig I was alone in having that experience with the creep song, or the fight club movie, because it broke the illusion that the connection to these things set me apart from others. As a white male my ego is validated in part by having things that I think will set me apart. I am made uncomfortable when this illusion is broken by proof that I’m like all the others, not only because of my preferences, but because of my motives for having those preferences. I like x because it’s proof that I’m different 10 million voices say alone, in unison, unironically.All white people are the same specifically because they all want to be unique.

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